March 5, 2012

Funny Anti-Daylight Saving Time T-shirt

Funny anti daylight saving time t-shirt at Zazzle

Pictured above is a wonderful nurse that did home visits to help me care for my Grandfather before he passed away last year. A couple of weeks ago she gave me a surprise by ordering the shirt she is wearing from my main Zazzle shop. I made the design a few years ago after my Grandfather told me how much he hated Daylight Saving Time. He really liked it smile.

Tux Smash clock mugTux-anti-daylight-saving-time mousepadTux-smash-clock shirtAnti Daylight Saving Time-Penguin Smashes Clock shirtTux Smash Clock-Anti Daylight Saving Time printPenguin Anti Daylight Saving Time T-shirt zazzle_shirt

Funny Anti Daylight Saving Time Poster

Thanks to Tshirts for the comment. After reading I found a mistake in my design settings that would cause White in this design not to show on dark colors. A new shirt has been added with the proper settings. If you would like a Black shirt just click the one shown above. If you want a different style it can be chosen from on that shirt's page.


Tshirts said...

are there black colors for this funny t-shirt? I like to collect dark original tees.

Thomas Abernathy said...

Thanks for asking Tshirts! Normally my designs are available on Black shirts. For some reason with this design the option to Show whites in image as transparent was checked so it would look terrible. I just went back and added a Black shirt with the proper settings so they are now available. The new one is now added to this post. If you would like a different style just click on the shirt and choose your style on the page it takes you to.

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