Once you pick your name it can't, at this time, be changed. Pick your username carefully for Zazzle if you decide to st up shop there. For many part of their SEO includes the name used in their URL. Others do not care as much and focus more on content and other areas of SEO. I know everyone can miss some things once in while. It just seems strange this hasn't been addressed as yet. You can open a new store and pick the name you would have picked. This may be a pain if you have already added several products and categories. If so you get to start all over again. You can give the store any name you want. If you don't mind the header showing a different name than the URL then go for it. Don't forget to add a title tag to the header image if you use one. Also you can add a title tag to the header URL. This can help offset any SEO lost from the misnamed URL. Of course you will want to do this even if you got the right name from the start
Well now that I given a heads up it's time to skin that gallery. Well at least fret over it for a while first.
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